Thursday 19 February 2015

Gopher Golf: Building the Golfer Puppet - Part #4

The clothes for the Golfer puppet were recently finished. These were all hand-knitted by a friend who worked from an original design I completed, except for the trousers - we felt that it would be more realistic for a golfer to have trousers than shorts, plus it saves time by not constructing visible legs for the character.

Here the Golfer is seen holding what will be used in the film as a golf club, specifically for distance shots. The golf club is fully detachable.

The Golfer's hands were also completed this week - two hands were completed from the same mould using foam latex, cooked in a kiln then painted to a pale skin colour.

The final steps for the Golfer puppet are to attach his hands and shoes, and to create a head. The head will be created from foam polystyrene with magnetic replaceable mouths.

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