Thursday 6 November 2014

Spyder: Series Outline and History of the "Spyder Service"


“Spyder” is a 2D animated series focusing on the adventures of Spyder, an undercover agent working for the Spyder Service – a top secret organisation aiming to keep a positive friendship between humans and spiders. This isn’t always easy in a world where humans see spiders as an enemy – but it’s actually the Spyder Service that has to save humans from much greater villains such as wasps, ants, mosquitoes, fleas, flies, centipedes and more! Spyder is never alone on his missions with the ever faithful Miss Black Widow and gadget spider Dr Naria by his side. There’s also Colonel Long Legs and rival agent Aaron Eae, who are always out to knock Spyder off his spot as the Service’s best agent, but Spyder always comes out on top! Packed with comedy, drama, action and fun, Spyder is a fun series for everyone to enjoy!


The Spyder Service was first established in 2012, making it as old as its founder, Chief Phil Cidae. However, the organisation has been around for much longer in “spider years” according to the inhabitants of the insect world. The goal and mission statement of the Spyder Service states the following:

“We aim to protect and serve the human race, the dominant animal currently topping the food-chain.”

The Spyder Service is aware that the relationship between humans and spiders is very weak, mostly since most humans cannot stand spiders. The spiders working for the service are determined to establish a more positive relationship with humans. The Spyder Service currently operates all around the UK with branches in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow and Cardiff. The main branch is in London and is located in Westminster tube station. The spiders use their own miniature tunnels running parallel to all London Underground lines to move quickly around the capital. Chief Phil Cidae is the owner, founder and CEO of the Spyder Service. His first employee was Dr Terry Naria who is eccentric but a genius at science. The two of them are old friends and together, they managed to put together the budget and all the facilities needed for the Spyder Project to fully take off.

Cidae was inspired to start up the Spyder Service after witnessing large numbers of humans wanting to kill spiders. Another spider living in London, Phoneutria, tried to bite humans with his venom, killing them. Cidae bravely fought Phoneutria to stop him, feeling that humans are unaware of the good qualities of spiders. Cidae sees potential for a more positive friendship between humans and spiders – possibly insects overall. After Cidae outruns Phoneutria, Phoneutria very strangely disappears.

Chief Cidae next hired Colonel Long Legs to become the colonel for the London branch of the Service. However, Cidae often has moments where he regrets this decision, since he feels Long Legs is incapable of the job. Long Legs is incredibly vain and determined to keep authority over his agents. He expresses great admiration for Cidae, although Cidae secretly wishes for an excuse to have Long Legs fired.

The other colonels at the other Spyder Service branches all have comical, stereotypical accents reflecting the appropriate regions.

Aaron Eae was the first agent to be hired by the London branch and the Spyder Service overall. He was chosen personally by Colonel Long Legs and Aaron Eae often plays “teacher’s pet” to Long Legs in return. Eae feels that, as the first agent hired by the service and the agent with the most impressive record, he should be the number one agent. He will do anything to knock Spyder off the top spot. However, he is not violent enough to kill anyone in the process, like most of the Spyder Service’s villains.

Many more agents were hired in the human year 2013, including Miss Black Widow, who initially was hired as a secretary. She became enthusiastic about the work of the service’s agents, so she decided to retrain and become an agent herself in 2014. Miss Black Widow is tough when out on missions, but also has a heart of gold. Whenever there are any fights between other characters – including Long Legs, Aaron Eae or Spyder – or if Dr Naria is stuck with a problem, Miss Black Widow is often the one who has a solution or brings the peace.

Our eponymous hero, Spyder, joins the Spyder Service in the same year, 2014. Spyder does have a real name but chooses to just call himself ‘Spyder’, given how catchy it sounds. Spyder is new to the service – he is a very egotistical, playful and gullible character; the Inspector Clouseau or Mr Bean of the spider world. Long Legs and Aaron Eae constantly see him as an interference, despite Spyder’s attempts to be friendly to them. Miss Black Widow is Spyder’s closest ally and wants to help him where she can. The two become great friends but are not linked romantically – Miss Black Widow is, in actual fact, a widow. Dr Naria also takes a liking to Spyder and helps him with all the gadgets he might require for his missions. Chief Cidae does not witness any of the service’s missions for himself – he only gets back the reports to read – so he is under the impression Spyder is a perfect agent. Cidae is always polite and friendly towards Spyder whenever he visits the London offices, but not so much with Colonel Long Legs!

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