Tuesday 4 November 2014

Spyder: Episode Ideas

01: First Day:
Spyder's first ever mission. Colonel Long Legs welcomes Spyder into the service on his first day, although he is not quite sure what to expect of this new agent. Only Dr Naria and Miss Black Widow try to welcome him into the Spyder Service and help him on his first mission. Colonel Long Legs gets angry when Spyder lets the villains escape on his first mission. Rival agent Aaron Eae laughs and boasts that he wasn’t as clumsy as Spyder and that he’ll never be the agent he is, to which the Colonel agrees. However, Spyder later spots the same villains again plotting their second robbery and manages to defeat them all by himself. Chief Cidae is very impressed and Dr Naria and Miss Black Widow are delighted for their new friend. Aaron Eae gets stressed out and Colonel Long Legs darkly comments he’ll “have to keep an eye on this new agent”…

02: The Missing Agents:
HQ notices many of its agents are disappearing, so Colonel Long Legs sends Spyder out on a mission to find out what’s going on. Spyder interrogates Buzz Fuzz and Senor Culicido, who both confirm they have not trapped all the spiders. Later, Spyder finally discovers Queen Ant has trapped them all, determined to make them follow law and order in the way her colony does. Spyder has to help free the agents and return them home before the Queen brainwashes them into thinking her ways.

03: Inside Job:
Aaron Eae teams up with Buzz Fuzz in order to get him to kick Spyder off the Spyder Service - making Aaron Eae the new top agent, but Buzz Fuzz has his own ideas for taking over the Spyder Service. Buzz Fuzz is able to capture Spyder, the top agent, and trap him inside Big Ben, planning for the noise of the bell to be powerful enough to kill Spyder! The Service becomes incredibly concerned when Spyder is reported missing. They search all over London, only to find out Spyder was inside Big Ben (opposite the service's Westminster HQ) the whole time! Aaron Eae is forced to own up to his mistake and save Spyder.

04: An Inspector Falls:
Chief Cidae is about to carry out an inspection of all of the Spyder Service’s main offices. Colonel Long Legs is determined to make sure the London HQ is up to standard, but Spyder keeps getting in the way. In the end, after Spyder defeats a villain who is attacking the base, Chief Cidae decides to keep the London base open.

05: Spyder’s Apprentice:
Colonel Long Legs wants Aaron Eae to show a new recruit around the base, but Spyder nominates himself instead, offering the new recruit “on-the-job training” – meaning taking him out on a mission. Colonel Long Legs panics the new agent is not ready, but the new agent might just prove his worth!

06: Sabotage:
Spyder is due to receive a promotion (and a big shiny medal) from Chief Cidae and Colonel Long Legs will do anything to stop it happening. Long Legs sabotages the interview and causes difficulty with Spyder’s current case. He is determined to prove Aaron Eae is a much worthier agent for the promotion, but Long Legs inadvertently helps Spyder solve his case and Spyder receives his promotion – the Service’s top UK agent.

07: Spyder’s Holiday:
Colonel Long Legs has the ultimate plan to get rid of Spyder once and for all: he encourages Spyder to take an extended holiday in Bournemouth, then erase his files and fire him since he has been away for too long. However, Spyder’s extreme boredom leads him to go exploring and he discovers a hideaway for some of the Spyder Service’s top enemies. Here is where Spyder uncovers their own plan to take over the Service, so Spyder returns, able to warn the Service of the attack and thus save the day again!

08: Gone for Gold:
The Spyder Service is about to throw a surprise party to thank Dr Naria for 50 years of service, but Colonel Long Legs speculates Spyder will try to ruin the surprise. Spyder misinterprets Miss Black Widow’s claim it will be a “golden celebration”, and sneaks into Buckingham Palace determined to steal some gold as a present for Dr Naria. Some of the villains are also at the Palace, hoping to take down the Royals who they believe are “the leaders of the human race”. The Queen Ant is leading the revolution, angry that the humans should have their own Queen. However, with Spyder’s help, the villains later realise the Prime Minister would be a better target instead.

09: The Colonel’s Retirement:
Chief Cidae is unimpressed with the Colonel’s inability to handle the London offices, so he decides the Colonel ought to retire. Spyder wants to help and he saves the Colonel from losing his job – but the Colonel is still ungrateful!

10: Break a Leg:
The Colonel is outraged that Spyder wants to abandon his base so he can take Miss Black Widow out for her birthday. They are about to see a West End show with Dr Naria and Chief Cidae, leaving only the Colonel and Aaron Eae back at the base! In their absence, the base is attacked and the Colonel and Aaron Eae have to fight off all the villains. Later they realise they were dreaming when Spyder returns and tells them the villains were at the show as well.

11: New Management:
In the series finale, there is concern when Chief Cidae goes missing and a giant spider named Phoneutria arrives. Phoneutria claims he is the new CEO of the Spyder Service and Cidae chose to retire. Colonel Long Legs is impressed with Phoneutria’s record working for the Service’s other UK branches, so he happily welcomes him to London. Spyder, however, remains suspicious since Cidae recently told him he had no plans to retire at all. Phoneutria imposes some strange new changes in his new position as CEO, such as fewer work hours for all employees and suggesting spiders should only go out on missions if there’s a real emergency. In the meantime, Phoneutria has secretly gathered all of the villains including the Wasp Patrol, Queen Ant, Senor Culicido and others with a plan to invade the Houses of Parliament and take down the human race. Later, Phoneutria reveals his evil plan and traps all spiders. Spyder discovers Phoneutria has locked up Chief Cidae, Dr Naria and Miss Black Widow – the ones who suspected Phoneutria from the beginning – inside a cardboard box. Spyder sets them free and the four allies must work together to stop the invasion.

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