Thursday 9 April 2015

Gopher Golf: Golfer Shoot - Part #1

The first scenes to feature the Golfer were filmed this week. The Golfer was extremely tricky to animate as, sometimes, the puppet was easy to stand up, other times it wasn't. Plasticine was often attached to the feet to help the puppet stand up correctly.

I have finished animating the scenes which feature the Golfer walking - all other scenes now will rely mostly on his facial expressions. Two versions of a golf swing also need to be animated.

The Golfer, a key for his new home, two leaflets and a golf club will be the only "live" props to be filmed in these scenes. A golf ball will be added in later with After Effects for the golf swing scenes.

The walk was very difficult to animate as it was hard to make the puppet stand up by itself some of the time, but the challenge made it all the more fun to work on.

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